Warring Factions

Warring Factions was started in April of 2007 by an Iranian- American Muslim,Justin Mashouf. Mashouf allowed cameras to trek with him for a glimpse into his life as a Muslim American of a multi-cultural background in attempts to express his personal struggle with the East and West conflict.

Host: Noor Film FestivalDate: Saturday, May 2, 2009
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Fine Arts TheaterStreet: 8556 Wilshire Blvd.City/Town: Beverly Hills, CA

"As forces in American government and media have fueled the perception of an unavoidable war with Iran, Warring Factions is a call to (dis)arms. An American-born Iranian breakdancer finds cultural awakening by exploring his multi-ethnic roots. Faced with dual nationality in two conflicting countries, he travels to Iran to examine the political issues first-hand while exploring his cultural identity with a group of Iranian b-boys. By combining documentary and studio reenactments, Warring Factions looks at the blurring of world borders, and the looming threat of another war in the Middle East."


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! This looks very interesting.....

Anonymous said...

A b-boy battle in Iran...tight